What To Expect Post Session


Post-session Care

Lovingly holding space for your post-session integration is an extremely important part of the process. Support the body by drinking lots of water especially 1-2 days after the session. Take a small amount of high quality Celtic sea salt under or on your tongue, allow it to dissolve and then drink your water. This will continue to move any related residual stagnant energy and toxins out of the physical body whilst replenishing lost minerals and maintaining your body’s natural electrical potential. See link to hydration calculator here. Being in nature is also an incredible way to facilitate grounding and integration with all the various levels of your being.

If you practice yoga, you may liken the post-session integration period to Savasana at the end of your practice. It allows the higher intelligence in the body to reshuffle and move towards a new state of normal.

In your sessions you will discover, and hopefully recognise insights about specific patterns or beliefs that are no longer serving your highest path. It is important to take the self responsibility and continue the ‘letting go’ and ‘re-building’ process in order to re-align with a fresh experience of you.

Example: If the theme was rigidity and feeling stuck, a good way to support the change to flow and flexibility is to consciously practice letting go of control and judgement in our life; challenging any active beliefs that generates self-criticism particularly based on expectations (familial, societal, self) and then making more decisions that are aligned with what you is best for you.

“Real change is practically and physically re-aligning your society, your actions, and your body.”

- Dr Jacqueline Hobbs

How You May Feel

During the process of integration, you may experience any combination of the following over the ensuing days, sometimes up to a couple of weeks:

  • Generally calmer and lighter.

  • Less reactive to external triggers.

  • Fluctuating energy and emotions. Please note that unresolved residual feelings from past traumas may surface to be processed. This is all OK, be kind to yourselves and accept that these feelings are valid, and is coming up for the purpose of being cleared. If it's not shifting, you can always reach out to me for additional support. Once this phase passes, you will feel lighter and calmer.

  • Change in state of your physical conditions. If the presenting symptoms at the time of your session was related to the context of the session, you may either see an alleviation or clearing of those symptoms OR you may notice that it has changed form, moved or intensified. You may experience this either during, immediately after, or a few days after the session. As we are systems of energy with a natural propensity to flow, any noticeable change can be an indication that you have created more spaciousness for any stagnant qi or prana to move again.

    Disclaimer: if any of these after effects doesn’t feel right to you please be sensible and seek appropriate medical attention.

  • Not much difference. That's OK too! Just know that at an energetic level, there has definitely been an shift and the awareness of this shift will grow the more you allow yourself space to cultivate and nurture the connection with that deeper part of you. In Ancient Chinese Medicine, that elusive yet powerful part of you is also referred to as your Original Nature or Divine Nature.

Although it may be subtle, trust that you will always re-emerge a more resilient, kind and compassionate human being.
