Your Constitution

Holistic kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine is a portal through which we can explore all aspects that encompass you, helping you to understand how your unique constitution affects the way you experience life.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Five Element Theory is used to explain the causality of everything in the universe. Your constitution is influenced by a set of dominant elemental traits through which you can experience as ease and flow or challenges and obstacles. This means that it is crucial for all of us to understand our baseline tendencies or patterns.

All initial sessions will start with an overview of your constitution. Applying the ancient Daoist system of cosmology called the Bagua, we are able to determine your constitution based on your date of birth. From there, by using a systematic line of questioning with muscle testing we can precisely narrow down the priority balancing needs to help move you forward to a new state of flow and healing.



Depending on the dominant elemental influences, you may be more prone to certain physical conditions than others. For example Metal governs the skin and can often manifest as skin conditions such as eczema. Earth regulates digestion, which may be experienced as bloating and food intolerances.


Water imbalances can often exhibit as dominant fear-based responses such as control or withdrawal. Metal imbalances can trigger feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness.


The spirit essence of each element represents the subtle characteristics that is naturally present when the element is in harmony. For example, when the Fire element is in balance, we are able to integrate consciousness and perception across all aspects of the self. We feel in tune with the rhythms of life.