Discover Your True Potential


The place where your Body, Mind and Spirit merge is the source of all healing and where you will find your True potential.

Zhi Quantum Energy Kinesiology

Located Sydney, Australia, sessions available online and face to face

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, pronounced 'zhi’, means ‘Will’. The ability to choose or decide for oneself in life.

, or ‘shi’ means ‘Warrior’. The warrior always acts in accordance to the Higher Will for the highest good of all.

, pronounced ‘xīn’, means ‘Heart’. The valiant warrior rests upon the strong moral compass of the human heart.

On your healing journey, you will be called to embody the courageous warrior. To bravely confront all of what you had not wanted to face. To feel all of what you have been conditioned to suppress. To forgive and release yourself from all the pain you thought was for you to carry. If you are ready to embrace your higher will and traverse the mysterious domain of your mind body soul, there are no conditions that you lack the power within to heal.

I was beyond words and in awe on how accurate Jo’s work is in tapping into my subconsciousness.
— TCM Acupuncturist & Herbalist , 36
I’m buzzing. Feeling the best I have felt in such a long time emotionally and energetically.
— Naturopathy Student, 24
The outcome from her sessions were beyond my expectations and quicker than I thought. Jo is truly amazing. ✨
— Radiologist, 32
Every session with Jo is life changing! She helped me heal on so many levels. And supported shifts in my perceptions resulting in living a more aligned and authentic life. So grateful! Thank you so much for all that you share and provide!
— Medical Receptionist, 31

Zhi Holistic Kinesiology

黃頌茵, Joanne Wong

Lower North Shore, Sydney

Dual Dip. Holistic Kinesiology & Mind Body Medicine, College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia

BSc (Hons) Food Science & Technology, UNSW

Holistic Kinesiology | TCM Acupressure | Intuitive Quantum Healing | TCM Psychology | Releasing & Transmuting Spirts and Entities | Sound Healing | Vocal Toning | Past Lives & Ancestral Healing | Space & Property Harmonisation and Purification |








Read my take on the how the common office ‘value proposition’ can keep many of us in the same patterns of inadequacy and inevitably affects not only our state of mental wellbeing but our physical health as well.